Training Modality

At Educanine Training Services we use positive reinforcement based, marker training. Positive reinforcement means that we are giving rewards for behaviors that we like. We get behaviors by luring, using a treat to lure them into a position; by capturing, which means marking and rewarding something our dog is already doing; and by shaping, marking and rewarding small approximations to the end goal.

To mark behaviors we use a clicker, a small device made from plastic with metal inside, when you push the button it makes a clicking sound. This sound is quick, concise and unemotional. The marker serves first, to let them know exactly what they did that was correct. Second, it is used as a bridge between letting the dog know they have performed correct behavior and us delivering the reward, as it may take several seconds for us to deliver a treat.

Timing is crucial with a marker system of training. We must click within a ½ of a second of the behavior being performed. Our rewards can then follow. If you cannot use a clicker as a marker, you can use a short, easy word like yes or yay.

For rewards, we will start by using food or treat rewards. It is best to use a reward that is small, soft and smelly. Small, about the size of your pinky nail. Soft, so that your dog can eat it quickly, not like a crunchy dry biscuit. And smelly, to keep them interested! Many commercial training treats will serve this purpose. You can also use hot dogs, cheese, frozen meatballs (no seasoning), or pieces of chicken. Our intention is to reward good behavior and not affect their regular diets or cause weight gain.

Our training focuses on rewarding good behaviors and ignoring or teaching incompatible behaviors for those we don’t like. Some things we will able to ignore until our dog learns this will no longer get them what they want. Others are better changed by teaching them a behavior to do instead, preferably one that is incompatible with what they were doing, like sitting instead of jumping or holding a ball instead of barking. 

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